The beginning of an

Art Interest

It started off as a simple gift where I drew a "Happy Birthday" card for my mom and seeing her being happy on such a simple gift makes me want to draw more!

Through my life, I have made drawing as a hobby not only to relieve my stress & sadness but also to bring joy to others!

My art Interest grew more after I finished my Art elective module. My parents and friends sugguested that I create an account on Instagram to showcase my art.


Meet Yuna

Despite my blooming recognition online, I felt that my art does not show me as an artist. Thats when, Yuna came into my life. Yuna is my first ever pet, she suffered from snuffles (flu infection) when I first got her and got better ever since. Through my life journey, Yuna have helped me in my depression and makes me feel relax in tough situation. Thats where the inspiration came about rabbits that brings joy, romance and positivity.

The start


Thats how Artzybunzy were created! It was based on my rabbit fur colour, White and black (We might bring in our third character soon). Through both of my character journey, they will learn about the joy, romance and positivity in life and spread among others!

  • Ichigo

    Hi, I'm Ichigo. Yes, it has the same meaning as a strawberry in Japanese. I love to draw at cafes and would love to share the joy on creating art through memes . I love making new friends and spending time outdoors.

  • Ichiro

    Hi, I'm Ichiro, the first born son and to celebrate
    the new light of life. I want to spread to the world through positive words and encouragement. I love video games and anime. I think I have fallen in Love with someone at a cafe.

  • Maru

    Bello I’m Maru! Named after another Bunny species found me on their planet! Never knew that there was another species in the Bunny Universe. I think i want to learn more about them and to find a way back to my planet.